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Latest News

Dojo Belts and Tea

One way we are supporting our Junior children’s behaviour is through the use of ‘Dojo Belts’! House point totals for each child convert into a ‘belt’ level: children can move up the coloured belts to eventually become the ‘Ultimate Ninja’ when they have achieved over 350 house points. We have certainly seen our Juniors work hard to obtain house points this week, and some have already obtained their ‘yellow belt’! 

Adding to the weekly awards of Achievement, Good Conduct and the Head Boy & Head Girl awards, ‘Tea with the Headmistress’ is an exciting treat on Friday mornings! A pupil from every class (including our Nursery!) is nominated by their teacher for a specific aspect of behaviour that they are focusing on. These pupils get to enjoy a drink and a biscuit with me! It was lovely to have a chat and enjoy some time with these well-behaved children. I wonder who will be picked next week?
