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Open Days & Events

Bumble Bee Stay and Play- Friday 17th May 

Embark on a delightful journey through our Bumble Bee Stay and Play, designed for 2-4-year-olds. Immerse yourselves in a world of exploration and creativity with engaging activities tailored to their age group.

 Bug Hotel Creation: Let imagination soar with activities centered around creating a bug hotel.

 Number Bee Sensory Tuff Tray: Dive into learning with our sensory tuff tray, exploring numbers and shapes in an exciting way.

 Beebots: Witness your child engage in educational play, developing early coding skills and problem-solving abilities.

Discover our exceptional facilities, meet our dedicated team, and explore life at St Martin's Prep! We prioritise nurturing care, ensuring the best support for our youngest learners. Join us and let the adventure begin!

11+ Assessment Day – Tuesday 4th June

Due to the success of our previous 11+ Assessment Day, we have scheduled in another day, so you don’t miss out.

Come along and find out about the academic potential of your child at St. Martin’s exclusive 11+ Assessment Day from 9:30am to 3:00pm. Our comprehensive and detailed assessment is tailored to show your child's capabilities along with areas to focus on if you are considering the Caistor or Lincolnshire Consortium Grammar School 11+ test in 2024 or beyond.

Event Schedule:

9:30am -Pupil Drop off: Upon arrival, parents and children will be greeted in the hall for a meet and greet with the Headmaster in the Hall, with teas and coffees/refreshments provided. Following this, parent will have an opportunity to have a tour of our wonderful school. Our welcoming teachers will ensure a smooth transition into a positive and encouraging environment for your child where they will be tested on the key skills needed for the above tests.

Throughout the Day Each child will be paired with a ‘St Martins Prep Buddy’, who will accompany them throughout the day, including break and lunchtimes.

Furthermore, children will be bringing a PE kit to participate in a games session during the day (afternoon test pupils will get to play rounders or tennis in the morning) with morning test pupils heading to the sports field for Games in the afternoon.

3:30pm – Collection: Your child will be ready for collection.

To receive detailed feedback on your child’s performance, gain valuable insights into their areas of strength, and receive personalised recommendations for their academic journey a follow-up call or face-to-face meeting will be booked when you collect your child.  

Don't miss this opportunity to uncover your child's potential – secure your spot today!

To book your place, please fill out the form below, and a member of our Admissions Team will be in contact with you shortly.

If you are unable to attend on this date, please click here to book a personal tour.