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Early Years Graduation

This week saw us celebrate our Kindergarten and Reception children at the ‘Early Years Graduation’. This special event is a time where the children formally ‘move up’ to the next year and the Early Years team bid farewell to the Reception children (although they certainly do still see them as they continue on in Year 1!).
Mr Thompson hosted the ceremony with the pupils being presented with their certificate and a handshake in full cap and gown.

Then, it was time for songs, with some children performing solos or small group singing. It was some of the children’s first time in front of a big audience and they performed incredibly well! It is easy to forget that these children are just at the beginning of their education journeys, and the progress that they have already made is quite astounding. It was particularly lovely to see the ‘music video’ that the children had made, which was filled with happy memories of their time in Early Years. 

This event, like all our school events, would not be made possible without the hard work, dedication and passion of our staff. I’m sure you will agree that their efforts are truly appreciated and we thank them for their amazing work. 
