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The Friends organised a fun Halloween Day for our Children! Fancy dress costumes, a disco and pumpkin competitions, it has been a great day and the children have had so much fun! 

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Today was Reception's very first class assembly! It was really lovely to hear them tell us the story of the Rainbow Fish - we learn about how we are all different and the importance of including and being kind to others

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We are a diverse school with many different countries and cultures represented! Today was a day to celebrate the variety that we have in school - with many parents coming in to talk about different countries and cultures, activities from around the world, traditional dress and an International Buffet Lunch where the children tried food from all around the world! The children are citizens of the world and proud to be! A HUGE thank you to all members of our wonderful St. Martin's community who have supported this exciting day!

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Elgar hosted an assembly this morning all about Internationalism. The children told us about how they were connected to places all around the world and gave us some very interesting facts about different countries!

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Churchill have been doing great work in maths this week! They have been looking at adding near multiples of 10, using adding and subtracting on numberlines. Keep up the good work Churchilll!

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In this morning's assembly, Churchill class talked to us about animals! We discovered some animals many of us hadn't heard of before, including the Saola - the 'Asian Unicorn'. We learnt about how many of these animals are endangered and how we can help protect our world. 

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